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 Memories of Merelbeke - een randgemeente van Gent

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Skating on ice on a small brook next to the Watersportsbaan in Ghent.1177 viewsThe Hayles brothers, December 19751 comments10/30/14 at 12:21Jonathan:
Don Pepe Merelbeke 1977 from a post card1440 views2 comments03/17/14 at 03:40Guest_Matthias: Your pics look wonderful !!!
Josh looking ghostly on the roof of Verlorenbroodstraat 292489 viewsTaken with an Agfa Box camera, two exposures.1 comments03/16/14 at 22:49Guest_Zors: Spooooooky!
Jonathan (aka Josh) Patricia Meersschaut and Ronny Meersscaut, pop sterren1022 views1 comments03/16/14 at 22:48Guest_Zors:
Don Pepe Merelbeke 1977 from a post card1440 views2 comments03/16/14 at 18:05Jonathan: Hey... feel free to add comments under the photos!...
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